Articles written by: cfmpAdmin

Recent Events

“19 And Counting” with Josh Duggar

The war against the Duggar family is being waged by those who reject families. We should be proud of the Duggars for all of their contributions to our understanding of how a family can work.

Recent Events

Altered Matrimony

Marriage is an institution necessarily recognized by the state that should guarantee private life and parental authority.  The takeover of this institution and its redefinition has lead to destruction of the value of marriage and reduced religion to mere ornamental value.

Recent Events

Can Christianity Survive the Sexual Revolution?

Dr. Stephen Baskerville, a professor at Patrick Henry College, has this excellent article about the sexual minefield of governmental authoritarianism that is “college” in Crisis Magazine.  Dr. Baskerville is on our Board of Advisors.

Domestic Violence / Slide Show / Substance Abuse

Substance abuse laws: How to reduce gun and domestic violence

The problem with gun and domestic violence is not loaded guns — it is “loaded” people. Missouri legislation will give spouses a power tool leveraging substance abusing partners into recovery, saving marriages, preventing downstream violence, and saving the state millions in demand spending.

Same-Sex Marriage

Our last chance to save traditional marriage

U.S. Supreme court declared DOMA unconstitutional because defenders of heterosexual marriage never argued that gay marriage is unequal and unconstitutional. The Left screamed “equality” in every court in the nation. We never responded on the merits, were unable to state harm, and suffered an entirely preventable loss. There is hope—but […]

Poverty / Slide Show / Supply-side socioeconomics

Balancing the budget with supply-side socioeconomics

Imagine what shape business would be in without supply-side economics.  We build business by keeping taxes and government interference minimal.   Supply-side socioeconomics is the parallel principle that will balance budgets by rebuilding marriage and the middle-class.

MarriageUpdates / Recent Events

An Open Letter to Patrick Henry College

Dr. Stephen Baskerville’s lecture “Politicizing Potiphar’s Wife: Today’s New Ideology” is a pivotal analysis of America’s descent into a politicized sexual riot now driving much of public policy and our uncontrollable deficit spending problem. Today’s magnetic ideologies about sex disorient and invert traditional responsible views on morality and charity so […]

Recent Events

Politicizing Potiphar’s Wife: Today’s New Ideology

Editor’s Note: The Center for Marriage Policy published an Open Letter to Patrick Henry College expanding on Dr. Baskerville’s lecture and defending it from a few individuals who are harshly criticizing it. _____________________________________ Faith & Reason Lecture: Republished by permission of Dr. Stephen Baskerville. Stephen Baskerville Patrick Henry College September […]


Missouri Takes Lead Reducing Gun and Domestic Violence

Substance abuse in the family is the leading factor and primary driver of many kinds of gun-related crimes, domestic violence, and other offenses.  Legislation is needed give families tools to root substance abuse out of their families and communities

MarriageUpdates / Substance Abuse

CFMP on WND: Anti-violence bill eyes substance abuse


Suzanne Venker: Good women are hard to find


CFMP on Town Hall: Bridging the ‘Marriage-Gap’

The marriage gap exists because policy on both sides of the aisle hurts America. Real pro-marriage, pro-woman policy will rebuild America and lift millions of women and children out of poverty.