Education / Slide Show
by cfmpAdmin × on January 22, 2012 at 7:06 pm ×
Teachers cannot produce high test scores when they must parent half the class before education is possible. Marriage Economic Policy is necessary to make America competitive in the global economy.
Reconstruction / Slide Show / Supply-side socioeconomics
by cfmpAdmin × on January 10, 2012 at 9:46 pm ×
Marriage-absence drives our greatest economic and social problems. The only feasible way to balance budgets in ways everyone will benefit from is to reshape federal and state laws that senselessly weaken or buy out marriage.
Reconstruction / Supply-side socioeconomics
by cfmpAdmin × on September 15, 2011 at 11:03 pm ×
A necessary component of America’s forthcoming reconstruction is the replacement of welfare and national health care with marriage. Marriage is revenue-positive and builds naturally-sustainable communities. Marriage is a positive issue for voters. A very significant portion of federal and state deficit spending problems structurally arise because the ratio of married families to single-head-of-household families is precipitously low.