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Linked Articles / MarriageUpdates / Recent Events / Same-Sex Marriage

Download the Protecting Marriage Month Leaflet

Download the Protecting Marriage Month flyer and leaflet businesses promoting the promiscuous culture of homosexuality and gay marriage.   America must not stimulate or condone activities that are fatal or disabling to others.  25% of new HIV cases are women who most often are unknowingly infected by a bisexual male.

Linked Articles / MarriageUpdates / Recent Events / Same-Sex Marriage

‘Protect Marriage’ campaign targets ‘gay’ health risks

World Net Daily reported on our month-long “Protecting Marriage Month” leafeting campaign.  Businesses should not profit from or promote promiscuous lifestyles that spread fatal or disabling diseases in the homosexual community and impacting many innocent heterosexuals.

Linked Articles / Marriage / MarriageUpdates

Schlafly on the Center for Marriage Policy: Social Issues vs. Fiscal Issues

In her Town Hall article “Social Issues vs. Fiscal Issues”, Phyllis Schlafly backs our Marriage Values policies as being the framework to rebuild America’s socioeconomic infrastructure.

Linked Articles / MarriageUpdates

Divorced From Reality

This article by Dr. Stephen Baskerville published in American Conservative explains why marriage-absence is a major problem in the United States.